17 March 2010

16/03/10: Generally slacked for the sake of some awesome films

I suppose that's partially true if you just regard my tangible output for today: Two exercises (but composing full sentences! ... no, still ...). However, I did have some otherwise nice experiences:
- Browsed the Morgunblaðið articles, finding out the Chelsea score at half time and reading an article about panda bears being given food in a Chinese zoo.
- Posted again on a thread that's developed into me finding two (yes, TWO) people who're at the "beginner" stage of learning Icelandic. That's on the How To Learn Any Language forum. The posters directed me to a website giving verb conjugations.
- I was forced to learn (finally, after having used the phrase "le/la tense parfait" many many times in French lessons) what the perfect tense actually means so that I could ask someone if they've ever seen the film Brick or just liked that my Facebook status said I wanted to be effortlessly cool/inward/heartbroken etc.

I didn't do much, as I said, but Brick, Into The Wild, plenty of pasta and a new Her Name Is Calla song bringing me to joy each of the first four plays today made up for it.

I'll make up for it tomorrow, he says. Oh wait, St. Patrick's day, he realises.

Sjáumst (with a potential "headache with regret", as the Gaelic literally says), Paul x