20 March 2010

19/03/10: Work, drink

5 hours' work done today! Well, maybe not all work but between 10:30am and 4pm the majority of my efforts were focussed upon Icelandic. That's a good thing. I got through a fair few chapters between each book - two in Hippocrene that I'd read over the day before in the subway then one after realising I was way behind in the Colloquial book - and they seem to be tying in nicely with each other.

I also answered a Facebook message about baking cakes in Icelandic without being corrected; either he was being nice or I was correct. It was a pretty simple sentence "Have you finished cooking? It's been 46 minutes!" but it was confidence-boosting to be able to use the combination að vera búinn að (infinitive) (lit. to be finished to (verb), or "to be finished with ...") that I'd just learnt today. Upon further browsing of the library it seems as if the Icelandic section is *expanding*? Impossible surely. There's a poetry book in there which might be quite useful as several of the poems seemed quite easy to read. However English poetry doesn't tend to be the most syntaxical representation of the language so I might err on the side of caution here ...

This evening we started drinking at 7:45pm and by just gone 9 I'd been forced to down a dirty pint and wasn't feeling great as a result. Also some pictures just went up on Facebook of me looking tired and drunk during a period I don't remember. I'm almost certain I went into the bathroom, threw up for the second time (properly), fell asleep on the floor, got up and went to bed ... but apparently not.

Let's hope tomorrow's this productive anyway. Note to self: I need more speaking and vocabulary practise as the last few days have been almost exclusively book work.

Bless, Paul x