16 March 2010

15/03/10: Textbook recaps

This'll be a shorter post as it's so late.

Today I finished going through lessons 1 and 2 of each book, copying out all the dialogues and writing vocabulary notes as I went. Colloquial is proving to be a pain in the arse for writing new vocabulary raised in dialogues in the list. In fact in a couple of cases today it wasn't even in the glossary/mini dictionary at the back. Ah well. One of the exercises asked me to name items in my immediate area and describe their colour. I distinctly remember last time thinking "I can't do that at all", while this time I managed to name around 15 objects around me and describe their colour, pluralising when necessary. Clearly the kitchen items noun list I made a few days ago helped!

Anyway, bedtime. I've a tutorial to be up for at 2pm. Last Public Policy one EVER.

Góðan daginn... Paul x

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