22 March 2010

21/03/10: Verb List

I've a verb list I'm carrying around with me now with some simple but common verbs, putting them into groups for conjugation. I'll keep reading over it during the next few days until I'm confident enough to just have a list of verbs in my pocket not sorted into tables. The conjugation's currently in the present tense only.

Someone played "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" and I remembered a couple of the lines in Icelandic so muttered along under my breath. Magical song. I'll have to write down the lyrics and carry those with me too in case that happens again ...

I spent a *long* time last night browsing the HTLAN forums, reading an interesting discussion on the effect English is having. It also directed me to a website http://lang-8.com/, designed to let native language speakers correct your notes and let you get in touch with them. I read through with ease a post by someone about their happiness that they can write Esperanto sentences. The corrections made by an Icelander made sense. I might start posting on that soon.

This entry feels so blunt but it's all good stuff.

Sæl, Paul x

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