25 March 2010

24/03/10: I've been busy so ... verb conjugations on public transport!

I've got about 40 basic verbs I've been going through recently on train journeys, in lifts and using an the Excel choose and randbetween functions to create random combinations of pronouns and verbs. I'm still a bit sketchy but it's getting there - I'm only having proper difficulty with a couple of verbs now (particularly að bjóða, að búa og að byrja (to invite, to live somewhere, to start) as their forms with the singular pronouns have roots býð, bý og býr respectively. Plus they all conjugate differently. Pretty much all the more regularly conjugated verbs I can do quickly and I have an instinct for their groups now. Once I get into using all of them in sentences it should become more natural.

I'll go through another hour or so of intensive verb conjugation then work some more on my books. In all honesty I haven't done much lately as I've been busy, but certainly after this weekend when I'm back in London I should be able to fix that.

Vertu sæl, Paul x

1 comment:

  1. Could you possibly post your list of basic verbs?
